Institutions in India

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Here we have classified institutions in India according to the Physics programmes they offer. The institutions have been chosen based on their research environment (i.e. on whether students will have the opportunity to interact during their studies with faculty doing research) and on their facilities. If you feel any other institutions should be added kindly contact us.

Master's programmes (M. Sc.)

Doctoral programmes (Ph. D.)

Summer programmes for students

B. Sc. / Integrated B. Sc.-M. Sc. Programmes

Some universities in Gujarat

You may check the INSPIRE programme for scholarships at the B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. and post-Ph.D. levels. Scholarships are also provided up to the pre-Ph.D. level under the KVPY programme.

Master's Programmes (M.Sc.):

Here we have listed the institutions that offer good Master's programmes in India. The student should check the application deadlines, test dates, centers where the exams are conducted and other details from the institution homepages. Also, browsing through the research areas and faculty profiles would give the students an overview of what to expect form the institutions.

Doctoral Programmes (Ph.D.):

Institutions already listed above

Summer Programmes for Students:

Several institutions offer research projects in the summer for students who have completed the first year of M.Sc. Sometimes B.Sc. students, and college lecturers, are also admitted to these programmes. (If we have missed any institution kindly contact us.)

B.Sc./Integrated B.Sc.-M.Sc. Programmes:

Some Universities in Gujarat: